Thanks to Our 2024 Bandstand Sponsors!

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Exhibiting the best in Vermont's contemporary crafts since 1978.

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

In-kind Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

The Best Wine & Beer Now Delivered To Your Door!

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

In-kind Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

In-kind Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

In-kind Sponsor

Concert Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Powering Vermont's sustainable future with electric transmission, innovation and connectivity.

Would you like to proudly join the illustrious list of substantial community supporters of our ongoing vision to bring world-class performers to the Middlesex Bandstand? You’ll be acknowledged on our website, our Facebook page, a large sponsor banner displayed at each concert, and a thousand flyers distributed across our community. If you want to join us, simply let us know via our Contact Us form.